

When situations cannot be resolved amongst parties, filing an application with the Residential Tenancies Office is the next appropriate step. Below is an outline of what occurs once you’ve filed an application.

1. Complete the Application to a Rental Officer form

      1. Complete all sections of the form including name, address and telephone number of the Respondent (other party).
      2. Include as much information you feel is necessary to support your claim, include sections of the Residential Tenancies Act that you feel have been violated.
      3. Make copies for yourself and to serve on the Respondent (other party)

2.  Forward a copy of the Application to a Rental Officer form to the Residential Tenancies Office by any of the following methods:

      1. In Person
      2. By Fax
      3. E-mail (scanned and included as an attachment)
      4. Canada Post
      5. Courier

3.  There is no preference on the method of delivery to this office, but if the matter is urgent, you may wish to use a faster method.3. Serve a filed copy of the Application to a Rental Officer to the Respondent (other party) within 14 days of filing the application with the Residential Tenancies Office.This is mandatory and is required by the Residential Tenancies Act. If you do not serve the other party within 14 days you may have to start the process over.

4.  If you are able to resolve the matter you can withdraw your Application to a Rental Officer at any time.

5.  If the Rental Officer decides to hold a hearing, you should be aware that any Order or Decision by the Rental Officer is a legal order and is binding on both parties. The Rental Officer may or may not support your case and may rule in favour of the other party.

6.  A landlord or tenant affected by an order of a Rental Officer may appeal the order with the Nunavut Court of Justice. All appeals must be filed within 14 days after the order is made.

7.  If the other party does not comply by the order, you may file a copy of the order with the Nunavut Court of Justice. Please contact the Nunavut Court of Justice for more information.

If you fail to comply with an order or decision of a Rental Officer or violate section 91 of the Residential Tenancies Act, you could be found guilty of an offence and could be liable upon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000.