

The Residential Tenancies Office was created by the Residential Tenancies Act helps landlords and tenants by:

The Rental Officer’s hearings are simple and are often done over the telephone. You do not need a lawyer, but you can hire one if you want to. If you get papers from the Residential Tenancies Office saying that there will be a hearing, you must attend.

If you do not attend the hearing, the Rental Officer could make a decision without hearing your side of the story. The Hearing Notice will tell you where the hearing is or provide you with a telephone number to call and when it is scheduled. Remember to bring any relevant documents that will prove what you are saying.

If the hearing is by telephone, it is important that you either fax or e-mail your documents to the Residential Tenancies Office before the hearing starts. If you cannot attend the hearing, call the Residential Tenancies Office right away to ask for the hearing to be put off to another time.

If the Rental Officer makes an order or decision, you have to follow it. But if you believe that the order or decision is wrong, you can appeal to the Nunavut Court of Justice. You have to file your appeal with the Nunavut Court of Justice within 14 days of receiving the order or decision, and you have to give a copy of the Notice to Appeal to the Rental Officer and the other person.

The Judge can decide whether to delay your order or decision until the appeal is heard. The Judge may hear any evidence during the appeal. The Judge can agree to allow the appeal and change or cancel the order or decision, or the Judge could dismiss your appeal.



The Residential Tenancies Office is here to help landlords and tenants resolve disputes.  The Residential Tenancies Office encourages Landlords and Tenants to try to work out issues between themselves.

You can contact the Residential Tenancies Office at anytime to get information or advice on any matter in regards to situation.  The Rental Officer may refer you to other agencies to assist you in your situation.  These agencies may include Maliiganik Tukisiiniakvik Legal Services; Social Services or others.

If you are unable to resolve your situation, you should considering filing an Application to a Rental Officer.

There is no preference on the method of delivery to this office, but if the matter is urgent, you may wish to use a faster method.


You can contact the Rental Officer by mail, telephone, fax or e-mail:

Residential Tenancies Office

1106 Inuksugait Plaza (4th Floor)

P.O. Box 1000 Station 590

Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0

Telephone:  (867) 975-6314

Toll Free: (844) 975-6314

Fax:(867) 975-6367

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.